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is located in Lund University, Sweden

MAX II website

This facility was decommissioned in December 2015, and all activities are now conducted at the new MAX_IV laboratory.


Beamlines (xtal) StatusExperimentsWavelength (Å)
I711 DecommissionedMAD, SAXS, POWDER0.81 - 1.55
I911-1 DecommissionedMONOCHROMATICFixed: 1.25
I911-2 DecommissionedMONOCHROMATICFixed: 1.043
I911-3 DecommissionedMAD, SAD, MONOCHROMATIC, FLUORESCENCE0.75 - 2.0
I911-4 DecommissionedSAXS, WAXSFixed: 0.91
I911-5 DecommissionedMONOCHROMATIC, POWDERFixed: 0.97

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